This description was belong in my other website: ( but the most thing was belong to really: (see more there for alice academy information).

About Mikan Sakura:
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Pale Brown
Mikan Sakura is the main character of the story. She is an energetic, good-natured girl, but time and again, her clumsiness lands her into trouble. She is an orphan who used to live with her grandfather in the country. When she was in second grade, her best friend Hotaru transferred to her school from the city and had a hard time fitting in with the others due to her being a genius. At first, Mikan didn't really want to be friends with Hotaru, but when they entered a dance competition and won it together she decided to be Hotaru's best friend. From that time she cared deeply about Hotaru and they were both as close as sisters, even though their personalities are the exact opposite.
When she heard that her school was going to be demolished, she led a protest to stop it, since it contained so much memories of her and Hotaru. However, no one joined her. She was shocked to hear that Hotaru was moving back to the city to go to an academy for young 'geniuses' like her. When she heard rumors that students were like slaves in Alice Academy, Mikan left her grandfather and her home to go after Hotaru by herself. She was then accepted to Alice Academy by Narumi-sensei and could attend Alice Academy with Hotaru and many other children with extraordinary powers.
While she makes friends later on, she is initially accepted with skepticism by her classmates, with whom friendship she was to win as an "entrance exam" into the Academy. She gets doubted soon as she does not know initially what her "Alice" is. While she is below average in academics and the school's star ranking system, she has strong willpower and a happy-go-lucky attitude. Her Alice ,or ability, is the power to nullify the Alice of others, which is the reason why the Academy administration keeps an eye on her.
She seems to be a very up-an-at-it person, much to the annoyance of her down-to-earth friend, Hotaru. She's the only girl that Natsume called by her first name. She was originally a 'No Star' (the lowest rank in the academy's star-ranking system), but moved on to being a 'One Star' after her combined effort with Sumire rescued Natsume from Reo.
(At the left)
About Hutaru Imai:
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Purple
Hotaru Imai is Mikan's best friend. She is extremely intelligent and rational. During the story, though she appears cold and indifferent on the surface, it is apparent that she genuinely cares for Mikan. Her keen observations of Mikan's mistakes and faults leaves others wondering if they are really best friends.
Although she was raised by her parents and is a super-genius, she is a bit mean, especially towards Mikan. She assumes a big-sister role to Mikan and is sometimes the voice of reason to her. Her Alice is that of Invention, and during her time at the country with Mikan and her grandfather, she created many strange but useful inventions, often made to look like animals.
She went to Alice Academy partly because they gave out money and she wanted to pay her old school's dues so it wouldn't be demolished. As an Alice, her parents were compelled to let her go to the Academy. So they probably got tired of evading the government, too. She wanted to go for the position of 'Honor Roll Student' so she could go home to visit Mikan and her parents.
She also tends bully Mikan, or punish others who bully her. She has some goofy points, though; her constant eating habits and her greedy side that causes her make inventions such as those that need a toll payment. Hotaru breaks the fourth wall by teaching the audience about her inventions. The other characters see her explaining her inventions to apparently no one.
She also has an older brother who is one of the student council president of the middle school division. She also knows that both Natsume and Ruka have crushes on Mikan. An enterprising student, she is not above blackmail, most particularly of Ruka -- she takes pictures of him showing his gentler side, probably to cater to the girls in the school, who would buy them. She is an unwilling member of the "3 geeky sisters" composed of Anna, Nonoko, and her.
More to Come soon