Welcome to Anime!

Welcome to the Anime Gallery!, To see more Anime click here, . This picture is about Anime too!, I'm trying to upload my picture here. But it seems it doesn't work. Only others, like jpeg, and like that. I like Anime,
, because of the cool drawings and stuff, like this and like that. That's why, I don't want you to destroy my site. I'm too young. Please do not complain to me about Anime, if you want more Anime forever, go to www.quizilla.com and search Anime and put a quiz, then when your done, copy and paste your picture. On your profile, website, myspace and etc. It must have codes too! But if not it won't work but upload and save a picture too!, As many as if can be! But if not, Sorry, I can't tell it anymore, I'm out of ideas, please do not complain to me, for more, please visit Another site,