Anime Club

To join the club, you must sign up in before joining the Anime Club.
Before that, you can join the Anime Club Forever, but it's still coming soon. But don't worry, It's not that long! (I hope so, Dunno). But check back again if it's not yet done, we are all still constructing it. See that Anime Girl? Post your Anime at the Gallery (When it's finished).
About the Anime Gallery:
Anime Gallery, must draw only Anime. Because this is all about Anime and Stuff. Gallery is always fun when you post it. I will be the one to approve it, Reapeat, I will be the one to approve it. Although, Sometimes, you can post your stuff here for free too!, I repeat!, Sometimes Only. Because I can deactivate the approvement, or activate the approvement. Because I am sometimes busy, when I log off, I can deactive the approvement. If I'm log in, I activate the approvement for sure! For those of you command and create a website. Find a website which you wanted.
About Anime Club:
Anime Club is the picture of Anime stuff, Anime Games, Anime online world, Coming Soon. Because, I have to install, clean chores, or something. So, please check back again soon. To be patient, Select a website:,, or I'm really busy today. Have fun next time!
To see more, Go to the news (if it's really made).